Small Social Circle Game (part 1) Small Social Circle Game (part 1)

Small Social Circle Game (part 1)

by Bobby Rio on June 22, 2008

How to Create a Small Social Cirlce

In this podcast Mike and I introduce the idea of small social circle gaming.  Gaming girls in tight knit social circle is done differently than the way you would game a girl at a bar or club.

In this show we talk about some of the differences and introduce ways to create these small social circles.  If you haven’t already downloaded a copy of the Confidential Social Intelligence Manuscript I recommend you do so.

In this radio show you’re going to learn:

  • Why social circle game is so important
  • The differences between social circle game and bar game
  • Ways to build a social cirlce
  • How to attract women in your social cirlce

I highly recommend building a social circle.  It is really important to build a social cirlce and then become the star of it.

Download this podcast

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404 November 15, 2020 at 9:53 pm
Josh September 24, 2021 at 6:32 pm

Broken link

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