How to Be The Man Women Want w/ The Wing Girl How to Be The Man Women Want w/ The Wing Girl

How to Be The Man Women Want w/ The Wing Girl

by Bobby Rio on July 30, 2009

Learn What Women Want, Straight From the Source

After a lot of requests to get another interview with a female guest… I’ve got Marni, from The Wing Girl Method, to join me for my latest podcast.

Marni, along with her team of Wing Girls, has spent the last five years teaching men how to meet, attract, and seduce beautiful women.  Marni, provides us with a fresh look into the mind of a female, and tells us exactly what women want.

In this 45 minute interview Wing Girl and I reveal:

  • How to tell if a girl is into you
  • What signs do girls give to let you know they’re interested
  • Does she like you as a friend, or something more?
  • How to go for your female friend (without lurking or scaring her away)
  • A secret to appearing confident
  • What every woman thinks about her male friend (and how to use it to your advantage)
  • What kind openers do women like most?
  • Why you need to pay attention to the energy your projecting
  • How much emphasis do women put on “being cool”
  • The biggest physical turn offs for women

Marni was a fun, informative interview… and I think you’ll enjoy this.  If you’re in the Chicago area, I recommend stopping by for her August 15th workshop.

Download this Interview

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