Business Secrets of a Young Entrepreneur Business Secrets of a Young Entrepreneur

Business Secrets of a Young Entrepreneur

by Bobby Rio on May 25, 2009

How to Build a World Class Dating Business From Scratch

In this latest interview series I interview founder of Richard La Ruina.  Richard teaches men how to talk to girls, how to get more dates, and how to naturally attract a woman.

For nearly 40 minutes Richard La Ruina opens up about business strategy, advice, and observations he has learned in the five years leading one of the top dating companies in the world.  We talk about the idea of creating your ideal lifestyle through building a business your passionate about.

In this 35 Minute Interview Richard spills the beans on:

  • Marketing
  • Content creation
  • Implementation
  • Creating a business plan
  • Training your team
  • and successfully growing and expanding a business.

This is one of my favorite interviews as I am a big fan of Richard La Ruina and have always been amazed at quickly he has grown his business PUA Training into one of the top companies in the world.

Rich doesn’t hold back any advice, and lets it all hang out, as he explains exactly what it takes to be a successful and prosperous business owner.

Download this interview

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Rick July 5, 2009 at 7:08 pm

What happened to the audio? There is no option to listen to the mp3 interview.

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