How to Annihilate Your Insecurities in 3 Simple Steps w/ Matthew Hussey How to Annihilate Your Insecurities in 3 Simple Steps w/ Matthew Hussey

How to Annihilate Your Insecurities in 3 Simple Steps w/ Matthew Hussey

by Bobby Rio on May 1, 2009

The Essentials of Inner Game

I’ve got a really excellent interview for you on the subject of building confidence and developing inner game.  I’ll be talking to Mathew Hussey, a personal development and lifestyle coach.  Mathew has spent the last several years teaching men how to be more confident.

In this 60 minute interview you’re going to learn:

  • How a guy can get started creating a more confident identity
  • What exactly the three levels of confidence are- and how to develop each level
  • 3 lessons that you can use immediately to see results
  • You’ll learn how to plan some good short and long term goals of developing this inner strength.
  • And  we’ll talk  what exactly does finding your passion and purpose mean, eliminating negative people from your life, what kind of experiences are most crucial for the development of self confidence.

I think you are really going to enjoy this interview so lets get started.

Download this interview

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