How To Flirt and Make Women Laugh w/AFC Adam Lyons How To Flirt and Make Women Laugh w/AFC Adam Lyons

How To Flirt and Make Women Laugh w/AFC Adam Lyons

by Bobby Rio on April 21, 2009

The Secrets of flirting with women

This is a very special podcast I did with AFC Adam Lyons.  This entire interview was focused around the idea of flirting.  Flirting is an essential part of pick-up and a skill that many guys lack.

Adam has been traveling the world teaching men how to flirt with women, how to talk to women, and good pickup lines (or better yet, no pickup lines)

In this 45 minutes interview we discuss:

  • The easiest most powerful flirting technique that most guys overlook
  • Biggest mistakes guys make while flirting
  • How to use pre-opener flirting to warm buying temperature.
  • How soon should you escalate sexually
  • We’ll walk you through some specific examples of flirting
  • Quick tips to make women laugh

AFC Adam Lyons is always a great guest, and if you want to learn how to flirt better, I really recommend listening to this interview.

Download this interview

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