How to Be the Bad Boy That Attract Women How to Be the Bad Boy That Attract Women

How to Be the Bad Boy That Attract Women

by Bobby Rio on July 13, 2008

The Traits of the Bad Boys

Girls are attracted bad boys.  It really is simple.  So, what are you to do if you’re not naturally a bad boy?  In this podcast Mike Stoute and I discuss the traits of bad boys and how you can pick and choose which of these traits to emulate.

Women like alpha males.  They want to be with a guy who makes them feel excited, who know how to turn a woman on sexually, and the secrets of how to talk to girls.

In this radio show you’re going to learn:

  • Why women like bad boys
  • How to be a bad boy
  • Why being nice to women doesn’t work
  • The traits of an alpha male
  • Examples of bad boy behaviour

If you’ve ever struggled as the “nice” guy, then you owe it to yourself to listen to this podcast.  It will clear up alot of the attraction triggers women look for.

Download this interview

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Ryan July 14, 2008 at 5:35 pm

I liked you guys when you did the podcast at your own place and not radio show, i feel like the energy is gone, but thats only my opinon

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