Wingman Rules (part 2) Wingman Rules (part 2)

Wingman Rules (part 2)

by Bobby Rio on July 2, 2008

How to Be a Good Wingman

This is the second part of our WIngman Rules podcast.  In this section we discuss the Neil Strauss and Mystery 7 Rules of being a good wingman.

If you are going out to pick up women with a friend you need to be on the same page.  This podcast will help you get in synch with your friends.

In this radio show you’re going to learn these7 rules:

  1. He who opens the set, owns the set. He gets first choice of target
  2. The primary purpose of the wing is to help the player get his target. If the wing can game his own target, fine, but that is not his primary purpose
  3. Don’t ever steal the target. Many times the player will be ignoring or negging the target, never use this time to step in and steal her. Never.
  4. The wing should occupy the obstacles so that the player gets more one on one time with target
  5. Always agree with your wing. Never take the girls side over him. He is always right
  6. Your wing is a great cool guy. That is why you hang out with him. After all you have standards
  7. Your wings feelings are important to you. Even more important than the girls feelings. When he approaches the set, turn and face him. If you disrespect your wing, it will lower your value to the girls. Never leave him standing there without acknowledging or introducing him

If you’re going to be heading out to the bars to meet women, then you’ll need to know how to interact with your wingmen.

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