Understanding Women W/ Scot Mckay Understanding Women W/ Scot Mckay

Understanding Women W/ Scot Mckay

by Bobby Rio on December 1, 2009

Getting Inside the Female Mind

Scot Mckay joins me once again for another podcast.  We tackle a different subject this time and talk about “what women want.”  We dig deep into female psychology and try to put ourselves in their shoes.  Scot and I discuss all of the mistakes men make simply because they can’t empathize with women.

Not only do we discuss how to better understand women… we also give practical tips for connecting with, and attracting more women… and keeping the ones you have.

In this interview you’re going to learn:

  • What women really want from men
  • How to keep a woman attracted to you
  • How to use your natural ‘manliness’ to turn a woman on
  • Mistakes men make when relating to women
  • and much more

I also recommend checking out Scot’s new program Chick Whisper.  Scot really understands women and this program breaks down all of this knowledge he’s attained over the years.


{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Bobby Rio January 17, 2010 at 5:36 pm

Always great talking to Scot… he is a real class act.

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