How to Engage, Hook, and Connect with a Woman w/ Stephen Nash How to Engage, Hook, and Connect with a Woman w/ Stephen Nash

How to Engage, Hook, and Connect with a Woman w/ Stephen Nash

by Bobby Rio on March 26, 2009

How to Connect with a Woman After the Opener

In this podcast I interview the great Stephen Nash, of How to Get a Girlfriend. Stephen Nash has been teaching men the art of natural game for for many years.  He is also famous for his appearance in Neil Strauss’s book The Game.

Nash goes over his engage, hook, connect model.  He also gives some great advice on using humor to flirt, how to start conversations with women, and how to escalate the conversations towards the kiss.  More importanly, Stephen teaches men how to build a lifestyle that naturally attracts women.

In this 40 minute interview you’re going to learn:

  • How to “be yourself” and still get the girl
  • How to make women laugh
  • How to open a set of women
  • How to engage a woman once you’ve opened her

Stephen has been active in the community for a very long time, and has worked along side some of the best pickup artists in the world.  I think you’ll learn a lot from him.

Download this interview

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