Steve Pavlina Interview About Personal Development for Smart People Steve Pavlina Interview About Personal Development for Smart People

Steve Pavlina Interview About Personal Development for Smart People

by Bobby Rio on October 22, 2008

On this weeks show we changed the pace up a little bit, and decided to bring on a guest outside of the dating niche.

Our guest this week was Steve Pavlina, author of, one of the most popular self help blogs on the internet.  Steve is also the author of Personal Development for Smart People.  Steve is best known for teaching practical tips on improving self esteem, increasing productivity, and creating an abundant mindset.

Steve presents some practical tips for personal development.

In this interview you’re going to learn:

  • How to use the “30 day challenge” to rid yourself of bad habits
  • The seven principles for development
  • How to make money during a stock market crash

Steve offers some useful and practical tips for improving your life.

Download this interview

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