Making One Date Feel Like Many Making One Date Feel Like Many

Making One Date Feel Like Many

by Bobby Rio on May 13, 2008

How to Have a Good Date

The guys from Master the Vibe sent over a great article that I posted on TSB about making a date feel like you’ve gone out several times…

This concept will help you build rapport quicker, create intense comfort, and allow the conversation to flow naturally without stalling out.

This can be done by moving locations throughout the date… This is great advice even if its just your first date.

In this podcast you’re going to learn:

  • How to build rapport quickly
  • How to bounce a girl to different locations
  • Ideal “hot spots” for dates
  • Why this makes physical escalation much easier

This was a quick segment of our radio show and I think that the concept of making a date feel like many is something that is worth exploring further.

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