Building Passive Value through Non Verbal Communication w/ Sebastian Drake Building Passive Value through Non Verbal Communication w/ Sebastian Drake

Building Passive Value through Non Verbal Communication w/ Sebastian Drake

by Bobby Rio on May 5, 2008

Secrets of Body Language, Posture, and Non-verbal Cues…

Sebastian Drake of Master the Vibe joins us on the radio.  Sebastian has been teaching men for pickup skills, how to meet more women, and how to interact better with women.  I’ve always enjoyed Sebastian’s writing and I was excited for the opportunity to get him on the phone and pick his brain.

We talk about building passive value for yourself through the habit of improving your physiology, improving your posture, and secret body language tips.

Some of things you’ll learn in this interview:

  • How you can use physiology to send out powerful non verbal cues
  • Body language signs that let her know you’re alpha
  • How to read her body language
  • Subtle clues women look for to know if a guy’s “cool”

Sebastian was a great interview, and I really think you’ll learn somethings that you can implement immediately from this interview.

Download this interview

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